Ed Ashurst
Forward by Deborah Copenhaver Fellows
This book is about my friend Mel Potter, who became my dad's dear friend in the 1950's. Both Dad and Mel competed in the first National Finals Rodeo in Dallas, Texas, 1959, they bred good horses, and both have had an active hand in the promotion and politics of prorodeo. They are in the National Cowboy Heritage Center and Hall of Fame. We lost Dad in February of 2019. The person that came the furthest and his presence meant the most was Mel Potter. He got there in a Washington blizzard to bury his old friend. On the following pages are the memories and achievements told of a man who lived it and made it. Mel Potter.
You will feel the comradery, the humor, competition, and pride as well as see a mind that is practical and as incentive as his forbearers. It is about his love of family and friends...a 13-year-old boy with no rodeo heritage fell in love with rodeo. He came, he saw, he conquered...and he's given back, to friends, to the sport and the heritage of rodeo.
Mel Potter has won the average in the arena of life and in this book Ed Ashurst takes you along for a great ride.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us!